
Office Outing


KLE (Kepatuhan Lembaga Efek) Division had office outing on January 19th, 2013.  All of ex-KLE in Custom office participated on this event, except Mas Phi (tax office) who had training on that day.

I won't tell you how was the outing, but this video by me will tell you how fun it was :)
Happy watching...


The Infamous Paradise: Pagang Island


This trip was accidentally planned on November 2012 due to low fare ticket by Mandala Airlines because The Company opened new route from Jakarta to Padang.  We got return ticket of Jakarta- Padang for only IDR 60,200. Mwihihihi...   Therefore, Me, Yayi, Ines, Nita and Fika started to arrange trip to west Sumatera on December 15 - 14, 2012.

At the first time, my officemates and me planned to visit Sikuai island. But based on information from my collage mate who just came back from Padang, Sikuai island is closed for uncertain time.  Therefore, she suggested me to go to another island near Sikuai island, Pagang island.  Well, i never heard about that island before, then i tried to find more information about the island through the traveling blogs.

Finally, we booked the travel agent: Regina Adventures for Pagang island 1 day trip.  It costed IDR 300,000 including pick up service from Airport and to Padang, boat rent, snorkeling, lunch, and snacks. We also booked hotel for 1 night.

We got the very first flight at 5.35 am and thank God it was on time. When we came to the waiting room at 5.10 am all passengers were on board, and we were the LAST passengers in that flight.  Blame it to Ines. hahaha... We arrived at 7.10 am and we met Mr. Elvis the owner of Regina Adventures.  He drove us to the first stop: Breakfast! We had Lontong Sayur for Breakie.  Yummyy...  Then we continued our trip to Teluk Bungus before we sail to Pagang Island.  Padang - Teluk Bungus takes about 1 hour by car. Teluk Bungus is part of Painan district.  We reached Teluk Bungus at 9.45 am then we prepared to cross the sea for Pagang island which took about 1 hour by small boat.

Teluk Bungus

The View during our trip

Office Mates

It was cloudy day @ white sandy beach Pagang Island

Breathtaking view

Pagang Island from the cross land

Kerapu fishpond

Clear water
At Teluk Bungus, we went to Losmen Tintin and met Mr. Asrul who took us to Pagang island.  We just unconsciously blank when we saw the breathtaking view in Pagang island.  Subhanallah.. My friend Nita even didn't wanna leave the island. She kept playing on the beach while i got shaking because of wet clothes after snorkeling.  We also visited Kerapu fishpond across the island. From the small talks between us and Mr. Asrul, China fisherman boats usually come to that pond and buy the fish for IDR 300,000 - 900,000/kg while local fisherman can pay less than it.  Mr. Asrul also said that only few tourists who know Pagang island and mostly foreigners.  Hmm... I assume this is because of lack of promotion by local government.  We sailed back to Teluk Bungus at 4.00 pm and arrived at 5.00 am.

Thank God I've been there in Pagang Island. Nothing i can say but Subhanallah... Wishing a better development of Pagang island tourism which should be supported by the local government.  This could be a potential income for the West Sumatera.

Find a place that reminds you of God, then be grateful you can enjoy it...


Happy New Year 2013

A Hope


Last Saturday i met a new friend named, Cecil.  My best friend's girlfriend.  I met her at the Hospital.  She got medical treatment called Stemcells.

What happened to her?
This young and beautiful girl, is suffering from a tongue cancer.  She found out this tongue cancer about a year ago, and it was stage 2B.  Now on, the cancer is on stage 4.  Medically, Cecil's cancer cannot be healed.  As Amo said, 'human should always make efforts, nothing is impossible', so Cecil is taking Stemcell medicine now.

Why i like her?
When i met her, she was totally different with the picture that i got from Amo's bbm picture.  She got cheek and lips swelling and her chin was covered with gauze. But her eyes showed her beauty and told me a huge hope.
I dont really know Cecil in person but i can see some changes in Amo since he started to close with Cecil.  Amo is adorable now. hihihihi... I always remember how Amo wrongly chanted Alfatihah when he was an Imam for Maghrib prayer.  Last time i met him, he did a prayer fervently.  Well, some say that our attitude and behavior could be influenced by people around us.  Be grateful if you have good people around you who bring out the best in you. And thank God for Cecil!
Amo said Cecil is very kind and has caring personality.  Well, i have no wonder she has loads of friends visited her during hospitalized.  I heard that Cecil also helps children with cancer by selling her own label shoes. What a lovely personality!

The day i entered her room at the hospital, i felt so warm.  She was surrounded by her closest colleagues and families.  No tears, they were all just talking with Cecil, although Cecil could only write down what she wants to tell on a paper.  I only have a little worry on her.  Her life seems full of love from people around her.  Love is hope, hope creates spirit to fight her illness, and i see it in her eyes.   As long as there are hope and willingness, prayers will complete and turn them into miracle.

Keep fighting Cecil!


About Sunrise and Sunset

Have a blissful wednesday...
I enjoy the my trip to office every morning, because the sunrise comes along with my morning.  Too bad, today's morning is cloudy. I cannot see you my sunrise..
Sunset also comes along with my way home in the afternoon. I usually snap the sunset by my camera phone or digicam.
Here I share you my sunrise and sunset at different places.

Sunrise @Sanur, Bali, October 2009

Sunrise @Ujung Genteng, May 2011
Sunrise @Puncak Bukit Sikunir, Dieng, May 2012

Sunset @Uluwatu, Bali, October 2009

Sunset @Ujung Genteng, May 2011
I love both sunrise and sunset. Why? Sunrise reminds me a new hope of better day. Sunrise also gives some morning spirit. I love the sun shines upon my face, it really rises me up! Sunset reminds me to rethink about what I have done during the day and progress of my plan also rebuild a new hope.  Most of all, sunrise and sunset remind me how great is God. Subhanallah...

So, catch your sunrise and sunset in every beautiful place and enjoy it!

My 15 minutes at Office before Home


Honestly, i'm bored to death after having an audit assignment for more than 2 weeks.. On my 15 minutes before home i was assigned to make an oh-so-called Nota Dinas. I had no idea to type. So i drew something... I was inspired by peplum thing. I made a peplum-look-a-like cropped blazer... Any idea to name it?

Btw, i'm on the bus right now... Gotta stop after this and take 'becak' to home :p


The Vow


The KLEs

Lama juga ga nengok blog. Been busy lately, perubahan format institusi memaksa bagian saya untuk menyelesaikan kerjaan sebelum mepet akhir tahun. Btw, judul entry kali ini udah kaya judul filmnya Channing Tatum :p

Here it is... Tanggal 18 September 2012 kemarin akhirnya angkatan saya diambil Sumpah PNS, setelah penantian 1 tahun 9 bulan. Fiuh... Finally, Officially "PNS".  Yeah, let's call it Bureaucracy! The Question is, am i proud to be "PNS"? Honestly, No I'm not.  Terus terang setelah hampir 2 tahun kerja di Instansi ini, saya makin ngerasa minder.  Kenapa?? karena ternyata saya dikelilingi orang-orang pintar, lulusan S2 luar negeri dan mau digaji PNS.  Memang tidak semuanya begitu, tapi saya salut sama mereka yang bener-bener punya integritas dalam melakukan pekerjaannya walaupun gaji minim.  Dan yang bikin saya makin salut, buat mereka gaji segitu sudah cukup.  Bahkan mereka bersyukur sekali dengan adanya remunerasi (yang menurut saya sedikit), semenjak itu kesejahteraan mereka meningkat karena mulai bisa nyicil rumah.  Oiya, mereka itu juga anti bribery loh, gimana ga anti, lah ditawarin makan siang aja nolak :p . They are truly great Civil servants and i see it too in my father.

Hal yang bikin saya tidak bangga jadi PNS adalah saya belum bisa seperti mereka yang benar-benar bekerja dengan ikhlas. God, kenapa sik kerja ikhlas itu susah banget?? Saat ini saya sudah mulai yakin kalau Pekerjaan ini adalah ketentuan dari Allah.  Bayangin aja, dari pekerjaan 1 ke pekerjaan 2 sampai yang ke 3 ini semuanya berhubungan banget.  Dan bonus yang paling besar dari Allah, saya masuk ke Biro yang bener-bener pas dengan background saya walaupun dulu Biro ini bukan pilihan pertama.  Dari situ makin yakin kalau Allah itu lebih tahu apa yang saya butuhkan.

Makin kesini Saya makin yakin kalau pilihan Allah untuk pekerjaan saya adalah yang terbaik.  Terus berdoa, adalah salah satu cara agar pekerjaan ini terus menjadi berkah bagi saya dan orang sekitar saya.  Selalu yakin, uang hasil kerja yang berkah itu bikin hidup tenang.  Saya belajar banyak dari orang-orang di Kantor saya bagaimana cara bersyukur dan memberi yang terbaik dahulu baru menerima hasilnya.  Kalaupun suatu saat pekerjaan saya berubah, saya yakin ada faktor penggeraknya dan itu atas izin Allah. Suatu saat saya akan bangga jadi PNS ketika saya sudah bisa bekerja dengan ikhlas sesuai dengan salah satu isi sumpah PNS "Bahwa saya akan bekerja dengan jujur, tertib, cermat dan bersemangat untuk kepentingan Negara". Amiiinn... Btw, emang 2 tahun lagi saya masih PNS yah?? Only God knows... hehehe...

So, are you proud to be "real" PNS?
